

摘  要:为明确麦蛾茧蜂对烟草粉螟的控制潜能,研究了麦蛾茧蜂对烟草粉螟幼虫的偏好性、功能反应、种内干扰和雄蜂存在对雌蜂的干扰效应。结果表明,麦蛾茧蜂偏好麻痹5龄幼虫,平均麻痹率74.00%±2.67%,对5龄幼虫的功能反应符合Ⅱ型,瞬时攻击率、处理时间、最大麻痹量分别为0.085/h、0.187 h和128.06头;麦蛾茧蜂种内干扰系数为0.316,该蜂对烟草粉螟幼虫的平均麻痹率(0.226~0.566)和搜寻效率(0.476~0.836)均随着雌蜂密度的增加而显著降低,但雄蜂的密度不影响雌蜂对烟草粉螟的麻痹量。研究证明,麦蛾茧蜂对烟草粉螟的控制潜力大,在烟仓烟草粉螟的绿色防控中具有良好的开发利用前景。


中图分类号:S435.72          文章编号:1007-5119(2019)05-0044-08      DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2019.05.007

Abstract: To evaluate the control efficiency of Bracon hebetor Say against Ephestiae elutella (Hübner), we investigated the paralysis preference, functional response, mutual interference, and density of male on the paralysis of female B. hebetor on E. elutella under the laboratory condition. The results showed that B. hebetor preferred to paralyze E.elutella fifth instar larvae, and its paralysis rate was 74.00%±2.67%. Functional response of B. hebetor to E. elutella was fitted by type Ⅱ model. The value of attack rate coefficients (α), the shortest handling time (Th) and the daily maximum numbers (T/Th) were 0.085/h, 0.187 h and 128.06 individuals, respectively. The interference coefficient of B. hebetor on E. elutella was 0.316. The per capita paralysis rate and per capita searching efficiency of B. hebetor on E. elutella both significantly decreased from 0.566 to 0.272, and 0.836 to 0.476, respectively. Different density of B. hebetor males did not affect the paralysis efficiency of their females on E. elutella. Based on the results, B. hebetor has great potential in controlling E. elutella and has good development prospects for green prevention of E. elutella in tobacco storage.

Keywords: Bracon hebetor Say; Ephestia elutella (Hübner); paralysis; functional response; mutual interference; paralysis preference; biological control

煙草粉螟[Ephestia elutella(Hübner)],属鳞翅目(Lepidoptera),螟蛾科(Pyralidae),又名烟草粉斑螟、烟草螟蛾等,广泛分布于世界各国,在我国云南、贵州的烟仓分布最多且危害最重[1],特别在贵州各烟仓均有分布和发生[2]。该虫食性杂,对烟叶的危害仅次于头号仓储害虫烟草甲[3],尤其对初烤烟叶(1年以内)的危害最重[4],危害过程中产生的分泌物、蛀屑会进一步污染烟叶,被危害的烟叶容易发霉变质。因此,对该虫的防治尤为重要。目前化学防治(熏蒸剂和杀虫剂)依然是防治烟草粉螟的主要手段,但是长期大量使用化学农药不仅增强害虫的抗药性,腐蚀仓库金属物,还会造成农药残留影响烟叶品质、产生环境污染。因此,亟待寻求烟草粉螟的绿色防治技术,其中开发和利用生物防治替代化学防治是一种新的途径[5-7]

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